Martin Shenkman is Appointed to Advisory Board at InterActive Legal

InterActive Legal Recognizes NJ Estate Planner’s Numerous Contributions

Melbourne, FL— InterActive Legal announces the appointment of Martin M. Shenkman, CPA, MBA, PFS, AEP (distinguished), JD, as a member of the InterActive Legal Advisory Board.

Mr. Shenkman is a prolific speaker and author, and the Founder of Shenkman Law, a law firm with offices in New Jersey and New York, through which he represents clients in estate and tax planning, planning for closely held businesses, and estate administration. Mr. Shenkman is also actively involved in many charitable causes, frequently giving presentations to charitable and professional organizations around the country.

Mike Graham, Chief Executive Officer at InterActive Legal said of the appointment, “Tapping Marty for this role made perfect sense and was long overdue… his participation in our numerous webinars and articles contributed to our Practice Development initiative has made Martin an asset to the InterActive Legal team.”

In the Advisor role, Mr. Shenkman will collaborate with the InterActive Legal Content Team on content updates and enhancements relating to New Jersey law, federal estate and gift tax law, and other developments in estate planning. Additionally, Mr. Shenkman will be a frequent contributor to InterActive Legal’s burgeoning Practice Development library, which includes assets on the topics of marketing and maximizing efficiencies within an estate planning practice, and he will continue to be a valuable participant in InterActive Legal webinars and other events.

Mr. Shenkman recently shared the following regarding his experience with InterActive Legal: “I attended my first Interactive Legal event in 2011 and immediately understood how document automation would enable my practice to make quantum gains in productivity and profitability. I haven’t looked back since!

Martin M. ShenkmanMartin M. Shenkman is a leading author of 42 books and more than 1,000 articles, with considerable expertise in Estate Planning. His credentials include serving the Editorial Board Member of Trusts & Estates Magazine, CCH (Wolter’s Kluwer), and the Matrimonial Strategist. He has previously served on the editorial board of many tax, estate and real estate publications.

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