Elizabeth Boehmcke – Employee of the Quarter

InterActive Legal is proud to announce Elizabeth Boehmcke, Esquire as our Employee of the Quarter for 3rd Quarter 2019.

Beth joined ILS in February of 2012 and has become an integral member of the legal content team. Beth’s talent and extensive experience in elder law and estate planning has elevated the high quality of the InterActive Legal brand and products, helping to serve the needs of InterActive Legal subscribers, and allowing her to make a continued contribution to the elder law and estate planning practice. Over the summer of 2019, Beth has worked tirelessly improving and updating the documents within the Elder Law Planning™ suite. The many recent upgrades this product has experienced is due largely in part to Beth’s dedication to always improve upon the existing foundation.

InterActive Legal is fortunate to attract some of the smartest & brightest, and Beth Boehmcke is just another example.

Congratulations Beth!

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Estate Planning and Elder Law professionals turn to InterActive Legal as their main resource for the latest planning strategies. We provide the most comprehensive productivity system on the market with an easy-to-use document drafting system, extensive continuing education, thought-provoking discussion forums, and more.
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