R.F. “Ben” Stewart III, Esq.

Attorney, InterActive Legal Advisor

Ben is the founder and managing partner of the 4:8 Legacy Group, LLP. He began practicing law in 1985 after receiving a Master of Law in Taxation from the University of Florida Levin College of Law.  

In 1994, he was awarded the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist designation (CEBS) from the Wharton School of Business and the International Society of Employee Benefit Specialist, the Certified Kingdom Advisor designation in 2005 (CKA®) and in 2011 he became an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®).

In addition to practicing law for over 39 years as a probate, estate planning and elderlaw attorney, Ben’s experience includes working for a Big 4 accounting firm in the tax department and serving as an officer in an international benefit consulting firm.

He is a member of the Alabama and Tennessee State Bars, the Birmingham Bar Association, The Birmingham Estate Planning Council and the International Foundation of Certified Employee Benefit Specialist.

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