Patrick Timmer, Esq.

Attorney, InterActive Legal Advisor

ILS Advisor

Patrick Timmer is a principal at Endacott Timmer, a boutique estate planning firm based in Lincoln, Nebraska. With more than 25 years of experience, Pat works closely with clients to ensure that their present and future personal, financial, and philanthropic objectives are accomplished in the most tax-efficient way. He assists clients with fundamental estate planning, such as wills, trusts, healthcare powers of attorney, durable powers of attorney, and through complicated asset transfer and company succession planning. He represents individuals in all aspects of wealth transfer planning, including advanced planning techniques, business succession planning and estate planning for complex assets such as business interests. Patrick is admitted to the U.S. Tax Court and has successfully represented clients before the court on tax controversy matters. He was also part of a committee appointed by the legislature to study and recommend changes to the Nebraska Uniform Trust Code.

Patrick has been a member of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) since 2008.  ACTEC is a nationwide organization comprised of over 2,400 attorneys who must be peer-elected based on their skill and experienced in the preparation of wills and trusts, estate planning, probate procedure and the administration of trusts and estates. Lawyers are elected to the organization based on their outstanding reputation, exceptional skill, and substantial contributions to the field. Patrick was named the Best Lawyers® 2023 Trusts and Estates “Lawyer of the Year” in Lincoln. In addition to Nebraska, he is licensed to practice in South Dakota, his native state. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska College Of Law.

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