Session 4: Estate Planning During Lifetime: Lifetime Transfers

Airing on Thursday, April 11th @ 1 pm ET

This session is part of the InterActive Legal Academy Estate Planning Basics Series


Jonathan G. Blattmachr Esq. and Elizabeth Q. Boehmcke Esq.

Course Description

Lifetime transfers of property are a necessary part of estate planning – either because a client creates a Revocable Trust and must transfer assets to the trust, or because the client decides to make lifetime gifts.  In this session, we will first cover how Revocable Trusts are funded and then examine various types of lifetime gifts, including direct gifts to individuals and charities, and gifts to irrevocable trusts.  Irrevocable trusts are sometimes used for tax or Medicaid planning, or simply to facilitate making gifts to family members.  The speakers will introduce the concept of planning with irrevocable trusts to address these concerns. 

Faculty Bios

Mr. Blattmachr is a Principal in ILS Management, LLC and a retired member of Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP in New York, NY and of the Alaska, California and New York Bars. He is recognized as one of the most creative trusts and estates lawyers in the country and is listed in The Best Lawyers in America. He has written and lectured extensively on estate and trust taxation and charitable giving.
Elizabeth (“Beth”) Boehmcke graduated cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School in 1993. After graduation from law school through 2003, she specialized in high net worth estate planning, with an emphasis on cross-border and asset protection planning, and the representation of fiduciaries managing complex trusts and family businesses. During her career in New York, she was an associate attorney at both Rogers & Wells (now Clifford Chance) and Hodgson Russ in New York City. After a hiatus in her legal career to care for her children, she resumed her legal career by passing the Virginia bar in 2014 and began working for the Hook Law Center, P.C., where she expanded her estate planning practice to include elder law, specifically focusing on asset protection planning for Medicaid and Veteran’s benefits. She is a proud graduate of the University of Virginia where she received a B.A. with distinction in Psychology in 1988 and is also a graduate of SUNY-Buffalo where she received an M.A. in Clinical Psychology in 1990.

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