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Subscriber Drafting Webinar: Drafting Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts in InterActive Legal

January 28, 2022 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm EST

Teresa L. Bush Esq.
Drafting Webinar

Webinar Description

Every InterActive Legal practice system includes the ability to draft an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust, or “ILIT.” In this webinar, we will discuss this drafting process, including what document to start with, selecting from the available profiles, answering interview questions. We will cover options designed to facilitate ownership of life insurance by the trustee and to address various potential tax issues. Topics to be covered from a drafting perspective include:

  • Differences between the “essential” and “comprehensive” documents
  • How the ILIT works during the grantor’s lifetime
  • Income tax/grantor trust issues
  • What can the trust own?
  • What happens at the grantor’s death?
  • Planning for unexpected estate inclusion
  • Continuing trusts after the grantor’s death, for a surviving spouse and/or others
  • Planning for survivorship insurance by using an ILIT with two grantors

We will demonstrate drafting with both the essential ILIT (available in Essential Estate Planning and Elder Law Planning) and the comprehensive ILIT (available in Wealth Transfer Planning only), so this presentation is appropriate for users of all systems. Please join us for a focused training on the unique issues involved in drafting ILITs.

Subscriber Drafting Webinars

Subscriber Drafting Webinars provide continued training on various aspects of using the InterActive Legal software, usually focusing on drafting particular documents or using certain drafting options.  These webinars are free to ILS subscribers. They provide insight and training regarding specific documents and options available within the drafting systems. Subscribers will receive an email outlining the topic of each drafting webinar with instructions for registration.

Continuing Education Credits

InterActive Legal is not an approved Continuing Education (CE) Sponsor. However, several states and regulatory agencies for a variety of professionals that participate on our teleconferences may still receive continuing education credit for their participation. If a participant wishes to receive CE credit for their participation in these teleconferences, they must apply to receive credit on their own and through their individual states and regulatory authorities. It is the responsibility of the participant to file for CE credit and is not guaranteed by the webinar sponsors.

Speaker Bio

Teresa Bush, Esq.
Teresa Bush joined InterActive Legal in 2007 and serves as Director of Education and Support Services. Ms. Bush has been licensed to practice law since 1991, and focused her practice exclusively on issues of estate and gift tax planning, probate, charitable planning, and estate and trust administration. She began her practice in a small law firm, planning for clients of all levels of wealth. Thereafter, she practiced for a number of years in the Tax Section of Kelly, Hart and Hallman, P.C. in Fort Worth, Texas, and as an estate and gift tax consultant for the Dallas office of Ernst & Young, in both cases focusing on planning for very high net worth clients. Ms. Bush received her J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law, where she was a research assistant for Professor Stanley M. Johanson. She studied at Edinburgh University and the London School of Economics prior to obtaining a B.A. in Economics and Political Science from Rice University in Houston. While studying abroad, she worked as an intern for a Member of Parliament in the British House of Commons. Ms. Bush taught legal research and writing as a Teaching Quizmaster in law school, and later taught estate planning extension courses for American College of Financial Services CLU candidates. She has presented several online webinars on estate planning and drafting topics, and is the author or co-author of a variety of estate planning articles.

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