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New Estate Planning Client Walkthrough

A potential new client has contacted your office to see if your firm can prepare their estate plan. What is your first step? There is no one right answer to this question - some attorneys will schedule an in-person conference or an online meeting, others might schedule an exploratory phone call first. Some might email a questionnaire in advance to gather preliminary information, while others wait to do that until sitting across from the potential client. In this webinar, we will demonstrate various ways your InterActive Legal drafting system can help with this initial process, starting with that first contact, and then assist after you agree to the representation.

2024 Connecticut Legal Conference

The Connecticut Legal Conference (CLC) is the CBA’s preeminent event comprised of dozens of engaging CLE seminars covering a diverse range of topics in state and federal law. The day also includes the CBA Annual Meeting and Luncheon, which features prestigious Connecticut-based and national speakers as well as the installation of the CBA executive committee officers for the approaching bar year.

Dementia and Dying in a Digital Age

It’s been more than 30 years since the Patient Self Determination Act codified the use of advance directives in hospitals and other medical facilities. While traditional advance directives still serve an important role for your clients, they do have their limitations. Many directives do not address issues of cognitive decline, a growing concern among seniors. They also do not take into consideration drastic changes in health, such as a terminal diagnosis, which can cause clients to reconsider some treatments. During this webinar, Randi Siegel, MBA, will outline innovations in advance care planning that give your clients more nuanced control over their health care. You’ll also learn about resources to help your clients discuss their wishes with their loved ones.

What Happens When…An IRA is Payable to a Trust for Both Humans and Charities?

Drafting trusts that will receive retirement benefits has been a challenge for estate planners, even before SECURE. And as we navigate the post-SECURE landscape, new drafting issues continue to arise. Some of those issues are helped along with new legislation – such as “SECURE 2.0” – or may have been addressed in proposed regulations (that are not yet final). One common issue is how to include charities in the estate plan when planning for retirement benefits.

Supreme Court Holding In Connelly Requires that Redemption Agreements be Reconsidered

On June 6, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion in a closely held business valuation case that will have significant impact on many family and closely held businesses.  (Connelly v. United States, U.S., No. 23-146, Opinion 6/6/24.)  The case addressed the valuation of stock in a closely held business and held that the obligation of an entity to buy a deceased equity owner’s shares does not reduce the value of the insurance proceeds received by the entity to fund the buyout.  The Supreme Court’s ruling resolves the conflict between the Connelly case and Estate of Blount v. Commissioner, which had reached the opposite conclusion. 

All Aboard The Great Wealth Transfer—Don’t Miss The Train!

We’ve all seen the headlines in recent months.  We are living through the greatest transfer of generational wealth in human history (or so the hyperbole goes).  Whether it is the greatest in history or not is a debate for scholars.  However, the magnitude of wealth the baby boomer generation is passing to successive generations is undeniable.  This webinar is aimed at helping estate planning attorneys identify specific strategies and tactics they could and should be using right now to attract multigenerational clients, expand their client base, and secure the futures of their clients as well as their own estate planning practices.

Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Planning in InterActive Legal

Estate tax planning is top of mind for planners representing high net worth individuals, but planning for the generation-skipping transfer ("GST") tax should also be considered.  Many clients - and perhaps some attorneys - may mistakenly assume that the GST tax doesn't matter if property is not being left directly to grandchildren.  However, taking advantage of the GST exemption can save millions of dollars in transfer taxation, so clients should at least have the option to build an estate plan that does not waste that exemption.  

PBI 2024 Elder Law Institute

Today’s older population is growing faster than other age groups and living longer than previous generations. These shifts are creating new opportunities and greater demand for skilled, knowledgeable elder law attorneys who can advocate for the elderly, disabled individuals, and their families. If you are looking for a place that offers critical new information in a well-rounded agenda, nationally recognized speakers, your VA credits, plus fresh ideas for your practice, then the Elder Law Institute is the program for you!

North Carolina Bar 45th Annual Estate Planning & Fiduciary Law Program

Join us this summer for the 45th Annual Estate Planning & Fiduciary Law Program. This program is designed to benefit both new and experienced lawyers alike, attendees learn practical tips and gain insight to help them navigate challenges and opportunities in the current environment. Be sure to stop by InterActive Legal’s exhibit booth to meet our Regional Sales Consultant, Lisa Briley, and learn about our comprehensive planning and drafting systems for estate planning and elder law planning attorneys. Lisa will show you how InterActive Legal can help grow your practice and help you spend less time drafting and more time engaging with clients.

Drafting for Descendants and other Non-Spouse Beneficiaries

With estate tax exemptions remaining high – except in a few select states – estate tax planning is not a priority for many clients.  However, how property passes to one’s family remains a driving force behind client estate planning decisions. Understanding the wide variety of options that are available automatically in InterActive Legal will help you draft client documents more efficiently.  In this webinar, we will review all ways in which property can pass to descendants and other non-spouse beneficiaries, including leaving property in various types of trusts, and the various ways in which those continuing trusts can be structured.  

Medicaid Planning Basics: A High-Level Overview of Crisis and Advance Planning

This course is designed for elder law and estate planning attorneys looking to enhance their ability to support senior clients with long-term care planning. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Medicaid program, focusing on proactive and crisis planning strategies. The course will explore the role of a well-structured estate plan and the use of irrevocable trusts in facilitating proactive client strategies.

Decoupled State Estate Planning in InterActive Legal

This month’s subscriber drafting webinar will focus on estate tax planning in states that have a separate state estate tax system with a state exemption that is lower than the federal exemption.  In that situation, there is an added layer of complexity when planning for a married couple – how to maximize the use of both exemptions, but pay no estate tax at all at the first spouse’s death.  If the federal exemption is fully utilized, state estate tax will be owed, but if only the state exemption is utilized, the clients may not receive full benefit of the remaining federal exemption.

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