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Customizing your System for Success

Every InterActive Legal drafting system includes standard time-saving features designed to streamline the drafting process.  Those features are often not evident "out of the box," since it takes a bit of time to get used to drafting in a new system.  However, pre-answered interviews, the option to add and assemble multiple documents, and the ability to copy one spouse's documents to create a mirror image estate plan for the other with just a few steps can minimize drafting time, and most users take advantage of those features.  Beyond those standard features are more options that each user can customize to not only save time, but also to make the system their own.  We will discuss these options to customize your system in both small ways and more advanced ways, and how those custom tools can provide the most streamlined drafting experience.

2024 NAELA Annual Conference & Pre-Programs

Join InterActive Legal at the 2024 NAELA Annual Conference and Pre-programs The 2024 NAELA conference offers elder and special needs attorneys cutting-edge educational programming to help expand their outlook and sharpen the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their practice. InterActive Legal's CEO, Vanessa Kanaga and ILS Special Advisor on Elder Law Planning, Letha McDowell will present a breakout session at this year's conference entitled "The Language of Community Property in Estate Planning."

Schenectady County Bar Association’s T&E and Elder Law Seminar

Be sure to stop by InterActive Legal's exhibit booth to meet our Regional Sales Consultant, Steven Palumbo. Learn how InterActive Legal can help grow your practice and help you spend less time drafting and more time engaging with clients.

Noncompete Ban: What Every Estate Planner Must Know About the FTCs New Rule and Its Impact on Estate and Succession Planning

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a new Rule prohibiting noncompete agreements. While this has been the subject of considerable discussion among employment and corporate attorneys, similar attention has yet to be given to this development among estate planners. The rule has a far-reaching impact on estate planning. The ramifications of how small, closely held, and family businesses that have used noncompete provisions, non-solicitation, and nondisclosure agreements will now address protecting themselves and retaining key employees and contracts must change. The valuation of companies may be significantly affected. For some family and closely held businesses, the impact of succession planning could be dramatic.

“Estate Planning Basics” – A Lorman CLE Approved Webinar presented by InterActive Legal’s Teresa L. Bush, Esq.

Gain an understanding of what documents are needed for estate planning and how to best help clients through the process. Estate planning is a process that should be undertaken by nearly every person because if you fail to create your own estate plan, state laws will create one for you (and it may not be the one you want). Therefore, having properly drafted estate planning documents are key. But what is estate planning, and what documents are needed? How can attorneys help clients through the estate planning process?

New Estate Planning Client Walkthrough

A potential new client has contacted your office to see if your firm can prepare their estate plan. What is your first step? There is no one right answer to this question - some attorneys will schedule an in-person conference or an online meeting, others might schedule an exploratory phone call first. Some might email a questionnaire in advance to gather preliminary information, while others wait to do that until sitting across from the potential client. In this webinar, we will demonstrate various ways your InterActive Legal drafting system can help with this initial process, starting with that first contact, and then assist after you agree to the representation.

2024 Connecticut Legal Conference

The Connecticut Legal Conference (CLC) is the CBA’s preeminent event comprised of dozens of engaging CLE seminars covering a diverse range of topics in state and federal law. The day also includes the CBA Annual Meeting and Luncheon, which features prestigious Connecticut-based and national speakers as well as the installation of the CBA executive committee officers for the approaching bar year.

Subscriber Drafting Webinar

Subscriber Drafting Webinars provide continued training on various aspects of using the InterActive Legal software, usually focusing on drafting particular documents or using certain drafting options.  These webinars are free to ILS subscribers. They provide insight and training regarding specific documents and options available within the drafting systems. Subscribers will receive an email outlining the topic of each drafting webinar with instructions for registration.

North Carolina Bar 45th Annual Estate Planning & Fiduciary Law Program

Join us this summer for the 45th Annual Estate Planning & Fiduciary Law Program. This program is designed to benefit both new and experienced lawyers alike, attendees learn practical tips and gain insight to help them navigate challenges and opportunities in the current environment. Be sure to stop by InterActive Legal’s exhibit booth to meet our Regional Sales Consultant, Lisa Briley, and learn about our comprehensive planning and drafting systems for estate planning and elder law planning attorneys. Lisa will show you how InterActive Legal can help grow your practice and help you spend less time drafting and more time engaging with clients.

Subscriber Drafting Webinar

Subscriber Drafting Webinars provide continued training on various aspects of using the InterActive Legal software, usually focusing on drafting particular documents or using certain drafting options.  These webinars are free to ILS subscribers. They provide insight and training regarding specific documents and options available within the drafting systems. Subscribers will receive an email outlining the topic of each drafting webinar with instructions for registration.

Subscriber Drafting Webinar

Subscriber Drafting Webinars provide continued training on various aspects of using the InterActive Legal software, usually focusing on drafting particular documents or using certain drafting options.  These webinars are free to ILS subscribers. They provide insight and training regarding specific documents and options available within the drafting systems. Subscribers will receive an email outlining the topic of each drafting webinar with instructions for registration.

Subscriber Drafting Webinar

Subscriber Drafting Webinars provide continued training on various aspects of using the InterActive Legal software, usually focusing on drafting particular documents or using certain drafting options.  These webinars are free to ILS subscribers. They provide insight and training regarding specific documents and options available within the drafting systems. Subscribers will receive an email outlining the topic of each drafting webinar with instructions for registration.

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