Stephen Mayfield

Attorney, InterActive Legal Advisor

Stephen J. Mayfield is a Partner at York Howell, practicing primarily in the areas of estate planning, business law, asset protection and probate. With licenses in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming, Mr. Mayfield assists clients in taking advantage of the various estate planning and asset protection strategies available in these states. His business practice includes mergers and acquisitions, private placement investments, employment and non-disclosure/non-compete agreements, trademark registrations, and business succession planning. He has formed dozens of limited liability companies and corporations with emphasis on optimal tax structuring and documentation. With his LL.M. in Taxation, he has vast experience in tax matters including compliance, non-profit and charitable planning, as well as handling audits and disputes with the IRS.

Mr. Mayfield’s probate practice includes general probate administration, trust administration, guardianship, conservatorship, and trust and probate litigation. He has also testified as an expert witness and prepared expert witness reports in the areas of trust and probate litigation.

Mr. Mayfield is licensed in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming and assists clients from around the country in taking advantage of the favorable asset protection laws and planning devices available in these jurisdictions.

Mr. Mayfield lives in American Fork, UT where his family is involved with the American Fork High School Marching Band. His personal interests include cycling, skiing, and guitar.

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