Lincoln Miller, Esq.

Attorney, InterActive Legal Advisor

InterActive Legal Advsior

Beginning his law career in 1995, Lincoln practiced in the Winslow and Poulsbo offices of Sherrard & McGonagle, developing a diverse civil practice, and arbitrating and trying cases in Kitsap, King, Pierce and Jefferson Counties. He made partner at fka Sherrard, McGonagle, Bohannon and Miller before departing in 2007 to start a solo practice in Poulsbo, focusing primarily on estate planning and probate/trust administration, real estate and business planning. In 2019, the office moved to Lynwood Center in Bainbridge Island where Lincoln practices today. Lincoln is a graduate of the University of Missouri, obtaining a B.S. in Business Administration (with an emphasis in Finance) in 1992, followed by his J.D. in 1995.

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