Holly Simpson, Esq.

Attorney, InterActive Legal Advisor

Holly is licensed to practice law in the states of North and South Carolina.  Prior to obtaining her law degree, Holly was a licensed family therapist who helped hundreds of individuals and families navigate various life difficulties including the loss of loved ones, and divorce.   Holly chose law as a second career, and graduated as valedictorian of her law school class while juggling the demands of her busy family of 6 children.  After working for two other estate planning law firms, Holly started her own firm which has grown to be one of the largest estate and elder law firms in the Charlotte, area.  Holly’s curiosity and passion for learning has led to her firm’s success in providing smart, efficient, client-centered legal services to thousands of families. Holly enjoys studying and implementing strategies for business growth and development, and building a team of professionals to support a thriving legal practice.  Holly is a member of NAELA, and enjoys educating others in her community on topics related to estate planning, estate administration and Medicaid planning.

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