Doyle D. Sanders, Esq.

Attorney, InterActive Legal Advisor

Doyle D. Sanders is an attorney and shareholder with Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave, P.C., with offices in downtown Des Moines and an office in Johnston since 1985. He is licensed to practice law in the state of Iowa. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) and practices primarily in wills, trusts, estate planning and probate law. He has been selected for inclusion in Iowa Super Lawyers and Great Plains Super Lawyers.

Mr. Sanders is a native of Vinton, Iowa, and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, his Masters of Business Administration, and his Doctor of Jurisprudence with Honors from Drake University.

He is a member and former chair of the Iowa State Bar Association Probate Section; and as a member of the legislative committee, he has drafted numerous legislative changes to the Iowa probate and trust codes.

He was elected to the American College of Trust Estate Counsel in 2004 and serves on the ACTEC Employee Benefits Committee and the Elder Law Committee. He is a member of the ABA Probate and Trust Law Section and the Mid-Iowa Estate and Financial Planners Club.

His interest in charitable giving and how it can be implemented in estate planning led him to assist in the founding of the Mid-Iowa Planned Giving Council, the Johnston School Community Foundation, the Valley UMC Foundation, and the Service Above Self Foundation of the Rotary Club of Northwest Des Moines and others. He has served as his Rotary Club’s Foundation chair for many years and is chair of the Rotary District 6000 Endowment Committee.

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