Learn about InterActive Legal’s automated document drafting system from our CEO, Vanessa L. Kanaga, Esq.

Estate planners and law professionals turn to Interactive Legal as their main resource for the latest planning strategies. With Interactive Legal, attorneys get to spend more time with their clients and less time drafting.

“… In today’s world, with the technology and automation that we all have at our fingertips, clients expect and frankly deserve to see professionals, attorneys who use that automation and that technology to their advantage to provide better service to clients. They are not paying and they don’t want to pay for the attorney to spend time drafting documents, researching the law even, or certainly not administrative tasks like gathering client information.

So through automation tools like the drafting systems that we provide, the attorney can take those tasks like drafting, like client intake, automate them to make them more efficient, take advantage of crowdsourcing because we have attorneys across the country using our tools that give us input, that provide information to us, suggestions so they can take advantage of the efficiency, the accuracy, the crowdsourcing, and really boost their practice and ultimately be more successful, happier in their practice, and provide better service to their clients, to give the clients that automation and connectivity that they expect and deserve.”

Vanessa L. Kanaga, CEO, InterActive Legal

Vanessa Kanaga serves as CEO of InterActive Legal. Vanessa received her J.D. from Cornell Law School and holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Wichita State University, as well as an Advanced Professional Certificate from New York University School of Law. She is licensed in New York, Kansas, and Arizona, and currently lives in Arizona. Prior to joining InterActive Legal in 2013, Vanessa practiced in New York, at Milbank LLP and Moses & Singer LLP, and in Kansas, at Hinkle Law Firm, LLC. She has experience in a range of estate planning matters, including high net worth tax planning and asset protection planning. In her role as CEO, Vanessa oversees strategic planning and development of InterActive Legal services and solutions, working with her valued colleagues to continuously provide reliable content and forward-thinking strategies to the estate planning and elder law attorneys who subscribe to InterActive Legal products. Vanessa also serves as the Moderator for the InterActive Legal Roundtable webinar series, fostering collegial discussion among a group of expert panelists on trending topics in estate planning.

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